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Where can I buy Netherlands 25 cents?

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Do they use 1 & 2 cent coins in the Netherlands?

In the Netherlands they don’t use 1 and 2 cent coins. In Germany if you buy something for 3.99€ then that is what you will end up paying. But in the Netherlands it would just be 4€ because they do not use one and two cent coins as long as you pay in cash. If it would be 4.02€ then it be rounded down to 4€ rather than up.

What is the oldest coin in the Netherlands?

NETHERLANDS. Holland. 1/2 Lion Daalder or Leeuwendaalder (1578). NETHERLANDS 28 Stuivers (Florín), MATÍAS I (1612-1619). CAMPEN 1589, Netherlands, Holland. Large Silver Lion Daalder (Dog Dollar) Coin. XF- 1673, Netherlands, Gr. & Om. Silver 6 Stuivers Coin. Countermarked during 1693! 1643, Netherlands, West Friesland.

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